Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Everquest memories- Random memories.

Some random memories of old EQ in no particular order. Sitting in PoK on my gnome necromancer in service to bertoxxulous the palguebringer. A few RL christians come in and start proseletyizing for players to turn from the false gods of norrath and come to christ. I am not making this up. I then roleplayed the necros response to the followers of this upstart carpenter coming in to denounce his god. I might have said something about an inept ameture taking 3 whole days to raise the dead. The zone started keeping score. I was ahead when the GM showed up.

Another from that gnome, I was over on odus farming bone chips. Had this erudite /ooc "gnome go home, this is Paineel, the city of high men!". My immediate reply: /ooc You have improved your skill at Reading City Signs! (2)


My wood elf ranger fletched his own trueshot back when that actually meant something. It did not mean much to the warrior in our group hunting bandits over in ro. He insisted on telling me my bow was for pulling only, and refused to hear anything to the contrary. The very next pull I landed 4 crit arrows in a single round. The bandit was under 20% life before it reached the tank :)
Also on that ranger, fishing off qeynos docks and being called a filthy hybrid by a spinning lantern, and wondering if it was some kind of GM event (I was new then...)

Teaming up with another wood elf ranger (it was my first toon) to take down wolves in gfay for pelts to make patchwork armor which was actually upgrades. This was long before the game turned into a monty haul campaign.

Riding the Maidens Voyage for the first time when Kunark launched. I remember the wings unfolding and thinking man, with this kind of sendoff this expansion is gonna be epic. Also remembering the epic pain of those !@#$%^ spiders in firiona...

Spiders in FV

Man I miss what the game used to be.

Kikinaak (from Reddit)

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