Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Everquest memories- Bugs

I want to tell a story but hope no one gets mad.
I once was able to exploit a crazy bug that came over my game back in the day.
Every few times I zoned, my game would crash. I also figured out that if it was a clicky zone, instead of crashing, nothing would happen.

At some point I remember trying to trade with someone, but upon clicking "trade" I crashed. When I logged on I saw the items still in my inventory. Asked the guy I was trading with if he still wanted the items... to which he told me that I already gave them to him. BINGO!

I ended up clicking in and out of PoK until I couldn't zone (bug activated), and would hand a bag of goodies to a buddy upon which I would crash. Log back in and we would both have that bag.

I was on dial up at the time with a slow computer, so only did this two or three times. I was also super new and broke, so the bags were full of junk like spider silk, wis rings, and velious resist rings. So don't assume that I enriched myself in some crazy way (lol, simply because I couldn't).

Anyone else find any fun exploits?

P.S. - also remember that for a little bit after a particular patch, pet classes were able to summon multiple pets.

removedcomment (from reddit)

1 comment:

  1. Once I zoned as a lvl 5ish dwarf and got to the other side as a lvl 27 wood elf ranger. It seems we both had the same name (Nalin) and the game had not blocked the second one. The poor other player got my lvl 5 dwarf in exchange. A GM solved the situation but I was allowed to keep the ranger who was now named Nalinx. It was a big deal at the time because I had only been playing for a month or so and my highest lvl was about 12.
